On National Scrapbook Day 2019, Kathryn debuted her BRAND NEW "Half the Fun" Album Base-ics Guide for a 5"x10" (or 10"x5") album with tons of envelopes, pockets and flaps options for all your crafting needs.
Album Base-ics Guides are more affordable, video primary tutorials designed to teach you to create unique album bases to decorate according to your own needs. They are not step-by-step tutorials that shows you how to make one specific album one way.
We're providing you with a set of tools and a blueprint for making your own totally unique and custom album to exactly fit your needs! This special double Album Base-ics Guide contains the supply list and cutting guides for two 5”x10” albums (one portrait and one horizontal). Below is a list of supplies needed to create these projects.
What's Included:
- Steps for planning your personalized project.
- How to customize Kathryn's Infinity Binding to fit any size project with any number of pages.
- Cutting guides and video tutorials for three different envelope styles to fit an album with either 5"x10" portrait pages or 10"x5" landscape pages.
- Cutting guides and video tutorials for six different page styles to fit an album with either 5"x10" portrait pages or 10"x5" landscape pages.
What's NOT Included:
- Physical supplies.
- Step-by-step written instructions. The tutorial is video only, supplemented with cutting guides and album planning tips.
With these tools you'll be able to make a wide variety of albums! Want to make an album that's all envelopes? YOU CAN! Want to make an album with your favorite page style used over and over again? YOU CAN! Want to go crazy and use all three envelope styles and all six page styles? YOU CAN!
These envelopes and page style will provide you with tons of room for photos and memorabilia. There are numerous pockets and flaps for a totally interactive experience and loads of fun for the person enjoying your album. The possibilities are nedless and totally up to you!
Unleash your creativity with the Half the Fun album Base-ics Guide today!
"Half the Fun" Album Base-ics Guide
After purchase, you will receive an automatic/instant download of a PDF with instructions on how to access the manuals and videos included in this workshop.